Have a bite of tasty convenience
- Naming
- Brand design
- Illustrations
- Brand experience
Transform Awards Europe 2024 Winner
/ Best visual identity
from the retail sector – SILVER
/ Best naming strategy
(rename) – BRONZE
With 216 outlets, Sim23, was one of the few convenience store brands in Ukraine. While it stood out for its unique product range, great coffee and youthful, inviting atmosphere, the existing brand struggled to convey this distinct experience. Together with CPC Brand Consultants, we created a strategic concept of a feel good store. Our creative solution involved a brand name change to Ciмi (pronounced as ‘see-me’) emphasizing emotional connection and warmth and a design change featuring playful illustrations and optimistic colors.
The rebranding not only seamlessly fits Ciмi into the convenience category but also transcends it, redefining the very notion of what a convenience store can be. The new brand is friendly, tasty and energetic. It expresses a clear positioning of a feel good store and an even clearer ambition – to become a brand of its own.